I just cannot stop pinching myself. Is it true.... Were the Doctor's words really, "It's A Girl"?! I am completely over the moon and totally beside myself. I just cannot believe this dream is coming true. I was so afraid that I would only have one child, not that he wouldn't be enough, but I wanted him to have siblings. I wanted the big happy family. And here I am on my third child and It's A Girl!!! I am smitten. I am blessed beyond measure. My creator is allowing me a dream come true. I will share a relationship with my own daughter like the relationship I have with my mother. My heart is filled with joy and my womb filled with glorious tiny little girl kicks and twitches. After my ultrasound I went straight to the baby store and purchased clothes in pinks and purples. All of my dreams are overflowing with soft pinks and precious baby things. I swoon with delight at the very thought of bathing her in all the beautiful things one can buy.
Its true that I can't stop looking at all the lovely handmade things on Etsy. It is also true that I would love to buy all of these things. HeeHeeHee But then I'd need to get a job. So for now I will continue to window shop. *wink* And just for fun here is a treasury I created a bit ago. It's titled "She's On Her Way".

If you have a moment stop over at London Tierney's Blog. I guest designed with some of her incredible buttons. :)Thanks for stopping by. So Glad you did.
CONGRATULATIONS girl!! You will truly enjoy your girl!!!
Congrats to the little Girl in your belly!!!! Being pregnent is such a blessing! I only have 50 fays to go to see whats hiding inside my belly ;)
Take care Lots of hugs Malin
OMG!! congrats on the upcoming arrival of a baby girl!!! i myself was the opposite ... i had 2 sweet girls and then my little prince was born! 3rd time was the charm :) have fun shopping for all things girly!!!
I of all people...feel your excitement!!!!
I'm in your boat. 2 boys and 1 SPOILED little girl on her way!
eeeek! :)
Such delightful news, BIG congratulations and best wishes for the remainder (sp?) of your pregancy!
So very excited for your new addition! Lucky lil girl to have such a stylish mom.
Congrats! You are so lucky to have a baby girl.
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