I'm here to tell all why I have been away for so long...

1. Pregnant, 2. Belly, 3. 9 Months, 4. Belly, 5. Pregnant, 6. bump, 7. gift, 8. Pregnant #6, 9. Maternity Photography Pregnancy Photos in Phoenix & Scottsdale Arizona - Crescent Mommy
I'M PREGNANT!!! Little Baby Baca #3 is on his/her way. We could not be more thrilled. We feel so blessed that God has given us another miracle of our own and so soon. I thank Him daily. :)
This pregnancy is really trying my patience though. HeeHee I have been so sick since the 3rd week began and I am now at 14 weeks. Some days it has been unbearable and I think I'm dying. Other days I actually feel alive with a very upset tummy. I've been on bedrest, I've been dehydrated from all the vomiting, I've lost 16 pounds and I can't stand food in any form. I'm a hound dog and can smell everything, peoples deodorants or lack thereof, what they've recently eaten is always on their breath, I can smell everything from miles away. It's insane. I'm ready for all the sickness to be gone so I can fully enjoy my pregnancy and my two ever so patient little boys here at home helping Mommy. :) I miss life. Period. But can't thank God enough for his blessing, whatever it takes.
Our 3rds will be months apart...why couldn't you live in Fresno?? :) Love you chicka and hope you feel better soon!
Ohhh im so happy for you!!!
I was just thinking the other day about how much i do miss your scrappy works!! Hope your feeling better soon its horrible to feel sick all the time..
Im 25 weeks pregnent now and well the sicknes is gone but the tiredness is constantly here..
Hope to see lots of gorgeous belly pics here from now on ;)
Hugs sweetcakes!!
Congratulations! So exciting, and those pics are amazing!
Congrats!!!!!!! :)
Grattis, så roligt!!!
Ooh, that's so exciting! Congratulations!
Congratulations Mara May!
Oh wow! Huge Congrats Mara!!! :D I was beginning to wonder what was goin on over there....:P I am so sorry that so far your pregnancy has been trying. I can fully 100% relate to it all though! I am due on the 25th of this month, and have felt even slightly myself for maybe 2 weeks out of the whole 9 months! :P Super sick in the first trimester, and just an achy painful mess this last trimester. This one has been very different from my last pregnancy, and I am beyond ready to be just myself in the body again! LOL! I really hope things start to get better for you soon, the second trimester is always a little bit better! :D Crossing fingers yours is! But either way, I am very excited for you! Take care of yourself and that little one!
congratulations! how exciting!
Congratulations from Italy!!!Also I'm expecting the third, i am now at 10 weeks!!!
Congratulations!.. Hopefully you are free from all the yucky stuff now and are feeling GOOD. I remember for both of my pregnancies, that I had a BIONIC nose just like you. People really do STINK when you are pregnant. Good luck and God bless always.
Love you chicka and hope you feel better soon!
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