October 22nd's Friday is brought to you by the word Pumpkin
[puhmp-kin or, commonly, puhng-kin]
a large, edible, orange-yellow fruit borne by a coarse,decumbent vine, Cucurbita pepo, of the gourd family.

1. Happy Halloween, 2. Squashes, 3. fortune teller 4772, 4. Pumpkin Spice, 5. bokeh pumpkins, 6. Have A Maddingly Happy Halloween!, 7. pumpkin spice, 8. McCormick Pumpkin Pie Spice Tin, 9. pumpkin head, 10. gourds of all colors, 11. Vintage Halloween, 12. Halloween Cookie Gift, 13. pumpkin spice mini muffin-0306 500px, 14. katie halloween 1995, 15. pumpkin season, 16. Oh Cookie Cookie Cookie
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lovely :-)
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